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Step 2: Creating Your First Zeustrack Campaign
Step 2: Creating Your First Zeustrack Campaign
Updated over 6 months ago

Good job with the previous step! Since the initial setup is up and running you are ready to create your first Zeustrack campaign.

Video Guide

Text Guide

Just follow these simple instructions to bring it all together.

Go to the main menu > Campaigns section and click the New Campaign button.

The campaign settings page consists of four tabs: General, Destination, Filters, User Access.

Let's explore them one by one.

General Tab

  1. The Full name field - the campaign's full name is automatically generated and can not be edited. It consists of Traffic Source + Country restriction selected for the campaign + the custom unique name you define.

  2. Name - define a name for your campaign. It appends to the campaign's full name.

  3. Countries - select countries where your campaign will be available. Leave it blank to accept all countries.

  4. Traffic source - select a traffic source you've added on Step #1 of this guide.

  5. Lander parameters - if your traffic source has additional Lander parameters, the field to add them will appear on the bottom of the General tab. To learn how to add lander parameters for your traffic source, please read this article.

  6. Tracking domain - select a tracking domain you've previously added to Zeustrack on Step #1 of this guide. After you select your tracking domain two new fields will be available. The first is the Money page URL and the second is Money pages.

  7. Money page URL - this is your campaign link. After you fully set up your campaign you’ll need to copy this link and paste it in your traffic source advertisement.

  8. Money pages - this field is used to specify the URL address of the source website. The content of this field will be prefilled automatically based on what you've specified in your tracking domain settings on Step #1 of this guide. If you change it from the campaign settings it will be updated in the tracking domain settings automatically.

  9. Category - specify a category for your campaign. This will help you to organize your workspace. By default, there's a General category set for the campaign. To manage the campaign categories, go to Settings > Categories from the main menu.

  10. Tags - these are very helpful for marking your campaigns. They are displayed in the campaigns list and you can filter your campaigns by them. To manage the campaign tags, go to Settings > Tags from the main menu.

  11. Note - use this field to store any useful information about the campaign (NOTE: When somebody sets this field, it is visible to everyone on the team).

  12. Advanced: Pick a cost model - this setting specifies how you want to track the campaign's cost. For the purpose of this guide, we’ll choose the Auto option.

    There are three options available:

    • Auto - this model counts the visit cost from the cost parameter value of a tracking link.

    • CPC - this model assumes that you will specify the visit cost manually and this way the value is a constant for the campaign.

    • Do not track costs - the cost values will not be tracked.

You've done with the general settings. Let's proceed to the next tab.

Destination Tab

  1. Next, choose a destination where a visitor will be directed to after clicking the campaign link in a traffic source.

    Zeustrack offers three types of destinations: Flow, Path and URL. Refer to this article to learn more about it, but for the purposes of this guide, we’ll choose the Path option and press the Add path to campaign button. Consider the Path that is a pairing between a lander and an offer.

  2. You will see the Path editor. Let's explore its settings one by one.

    • Name - define a meaningful name for your path.

    • Weight - this setting is used when you have more than one path in your campaign. You can add as many paths as you want and spread the traffic between them, by defining the weight. More info on this can be found here. For now, we’ll leave it at (100).

    • Status - set it Active. To disable the path set the status to Disabled.

    • Redirect method - 302 is a regular HTTP redirect. It’s the fastest way to redirect. The referrer data is passed to the campaign endpoint. Meta refresh erases your lander HTTP referrer, but only when you link it from the lander to the offer via the https connection. Double meta refresh is pretty much the same as Meta refresh but erases the HTTP referrer completely. This is the slowest way to redirect. If you are familiar with the purpose of redirect types choose one that is most suitable for you. Here we’ll choose 302 for the purpose of this guide.

    • Direct link - this checkbox is used when you want to send your traffic directly to some offer without a lander being shown before the offer page. Leave this box unticked for now.

  3. Now you’ll need to pair the lander and the offer you've created on step #1 of this guide. Since you’ve only one lander and only one offer, there's no wider selection here, but keep in mind that after you add more landers and offers you can create more combinations. Also, as we mentioned before you can spread these path combinations into rich flows with various weights and rules.

    Choose the lander and the offer.

Ok, now that you're done with the destination setup, it's time to go to the next tab.

Filters Tab

This section contains one of the most important campaign settings. Here you define the behavior of your pages.

If the visitor satisfies the filter settings the money page (your lander) will appear. If the visitor doesn't pass the filter conditions, then that visit is filtered and the domain website is displayed.

After you are completely sure that your ad campaign has been successfully approved, you can turn off the Filter all option and switch it to Active.


Set active filters before you turn on Filter All. See the instructions below to learn how to set up the active filters.

1. Active - applies the filter settings you define.

Allow all - redirects every type of traffic to a money page.

Filter all - redirects every type of traffic.

On High Alert - this checkbox enables a special filter mode. When an unwanted visit is tracked, the next five visits will also be sent to the safe page, no matter where they came from.​

2. Allow any traffic - allows all kinds of traffic to visit your landers.

Allow Desktop traffic - allows visiting your landers only from a desktop.

Allow Mobile traffic - allows visiting your landers only from mobile devices.​

3. Allow only whitelisted ISPs - you should create an ISP (Internet Service Provider) whitelist for your target country in Settings > ISP White Lists before you can start using this filter. When this checkbox is checked, traffic from other ISPs will be blocked.

4. Frequency cap - is the additional filter which you can use to limit the number of visits to your campaign. The frequency of visits is calculated by the cookies. By setting the frequency cap you are protecting your landers from bots and from unwanted visits; including your competitors. It is recommended to set the frequency cap equals to 1 when launching a campaign and increasing this value during the optimization process.

Zeustrack alert:

The frequency capping feature requires a cookie file to be set on your landers which are placed on your domains. This feature is turned on by default and the cookie file is set without any notification to the user. That cookie contains the info about the user which may be interpreted as personal data, however, this info does not contain any specific data that can identify a specific person.

In this case, if you are targeting EU citizens you might need to inform your visitors about that cookie file before they visit your landers. To keep it more simple you could use, for example, a template provided by the COOKIE CONSENT by Insites or create your own.


  • IPv6 Filter - use this option to redirect any IPv6 traffic.

  • Filter Empty Referrers - use this option to redirect any traffic without a referer.

  • VPN/Proxy/Tor/Hosting Filter - databases of IP-addresses of IP-replacement services.

  • Luminati (js filter) - a database of IP-addresses and other specific markers related to Luminati's services. This is a JavaScript solution, so there will be a redirect and some delay to perform this test.

  • Require Gyroscope on Mobile (js filter) - use this option to send any traffic without a physical gyroscope on the device (e.g. smartphone simulator) to the domain website. This is a JavaScript solution, so there will be a redirect and some delay to perform this test.

  • Basic Headless - detects headless browsers. These types of browsers are often used by bots. If a visit from a headless browser is detected it will be redirected. It can detect only simple headless technology.

  • Advanced Headless (js filter) - more thoroughly detects almost all hidden headless browsers. If a visit from a headless browser is detected, it will be redirected. This is a JavaScript solution, so there will be a redirect and some delay to perform this test.

  • WebRTC Leak (js filter) - detects WebRTC leak. If a leak is detected it will be redirected.

  • Time Zone Consistency (js filter) [Beta] - this filter compares two time zones: the time zone expected by location and the actual (system) time zone of a visitor. If these numbers don’t match, it will be redirected. This is a JavaScript solution, so there will be redirect and some delay to perform this test.

  • Language Consistency - this filter compares the language of a browser expected by location and the actual (system) language. If these languages differ, it will be redirected.

6. You can enable Time Filters to filter your incoming traffic by specified number of unwanted visits in specified period of time.

To understand how this setting work please have a look at the screenshot above.This setup tells that if Zeustrack detects less than 5 real user visits within 3 minutes according to the rest of your filtering settings the Filter All mode will be turned on. The Filter All mode will be turned off and the system gets back to the regular Active mode after the system registers 30 real user visits within 5 minutes.

7. Filter All Schedule. To enable this filter go to the Campaign’s settings on the Filters tab and tick the Filter All Schedule checkmark. You’ll see a calendar with timeframes divided by half of an hour block and the time zone drop-down menu. Choose your time zone and specify the weekdays and day hours when you want to filter all your incoming traffic.

8. In addition to the basic filters, you can also set Custom rules.

  • Status - activates or disables a rule.

  • Type: Filter - this blocks traffic according to a defined rule. Allow - this allows traffic according to a defined rule.

9. To be able to use Custom rules, you'll need to press the Add condition to rule. There is a wide variety of conditions that can satisfy all your needs.

User Access Tab

Switch to the User Access tab to manage campaign access. Here you can specify who has access to a particular campaign according to the user's role. You must specify a Manager for a campaign to track his/her performance.

Use the Users section to invite users to the campaign and manage their permissions. There are two types of campaign permissions in Zeustrack:

  • Can View - a user can view the statistics of the campaign, but can’t make any changes.

  • Can Edit - a user has full access to a campaign. Only tick this checkbox if you want to grant a user edit level access to a campaign.

Congratulations! Your first Zeustrack campaign is now officially set up!

Proceed to the next step, where you'll discover how to optimize your campaigns and scale your revenues - Step 3: Optimizing And Scaling Your Campaigns!

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