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Subscription Plan Change
Updated over 6 months ago

When you decided to upgrade your subscription plan you’ll need to do the following:

  1. Go to the Team Management > Billing section of the main menu.

  2. Scroll to the Current plan section and click the Change button.

  3. A pop-up window with available plan descriptions will appear. Choose the desired plan and click the Change button.

The new plan will be applied immediately and all the features of that plan will be available.

Keep in mind that your total subscription fee will be recalculated and you’ll be billed at the moment you change to the upgraded plan. Make sure you have enough funds on your debit/credit card. If not, the billing process won't be successful, and you won't have access to the Zeustrack interface.

Make sure to put the necessary amount of funds on your card and click on the Restore your subscription button.

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