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Mojo Host
Updated over a week ago

To start using Zeustrack cloud landers or custom safe pages you'll have to integrate the MojoHost account and perform the initial setup. MojoHost is a reliable and fast affiliate friendly hosting.

Step 1: Get an access to Mojo Cloud

  1. Follow this link - MojoHost MojoHost has a Base Monthly Fee, which provides access to Cloud functions, it includes 1 IP and 10Tb of traffic.

  2. We prepared a coupon to ease up the beginning of your journey ZEUSTRACKANDMOJOHALFOFF.

  3. Note: creating a virtual machine with an optimal configuration will cost between 15-20 USD.

  4. During the project setup, you will be asked to specify the Service name, which could be the name of your team or project.

  5. Click Continue after specifying the Service name.

  6. Enter the promo code ZEUSTRACKANDMOJOHALFOFF here and complete the payment:

Step 2: Obtaining the required parameters

After setting up your project and domain, you will receive the necessary credentials for your set up at Zeustrack via email. These credentials are:

  1. Username: specified by you during registration or provided by the system to access certain services.

  2. Password: set by you during registration or generated for specific services.

  3. Domain name: the domain you registered or transferred.

  4. Project name/Service name: specified by you when creating the project. You can also see it in the upper right corner of your Mojo Cloud account.

If you have any questions or need help, you can contact MojoHost support via the control panel or using the contact information provided on the official website: or open a ticket directly in your Mojo personal account.

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