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Affiliate Network Postback
Updated over 5 months ago

Postback URL is the URL used by the affiliate network to send conversion information to Zeustrack. You can get postback URL from your Offer settings. Edit the postback URL to add options from the affiliate network, and then provide the edited postback to your affiliate network.

This is how the postback works:

Getting the Postback Link

  1. In Zeustrack go to the Offer section of the main menu and press the Edit button or create a new offer template with the New Offer button.

  2. Copy the link from the PostbackURL field with the Copy button.

  3. Initially postback link will look like this:

  4. Replace the CLICK_ID and PAYOUT_USD placeholders with appropriate values;
    Where do you find this values (tokens/macroses/etc)? Refer to the documantation of your affiliate network where you get the offer. For example, the final postback link may look like this:{{click_id}}&payout={{payout}}

  5. Copy your final postback URL and paste it in the appropriate field of your affiliate network.

Postback Mechanism for Various Verticals

When you work with certain affiliate networks and offers, you may be faced with the need to pass different types of the conversion (a.k.a. lead statuses). To do this, you need to manually add the additional URL parameters to the final posback link.

Lead > Deposit (FTD) Option

In order to transfer conversion statuses when working in verticals that assume reward for a deposit, you can use the following postback parameters (types of postback):

  • lead

  • deposit (FTD)

Deposit and ftd values are synonymous, you can use the option that is convenient for you, or the one that the affiliate network requires from you. That way you are going to pass two variants of postback:

  1. .../postback?cid=XX&payout=YY&type=lead - user registration;

  2. .../postback?cid=XX&payout=YY&type=deposit or ../postback?cid=XX&payout=YY&type=ftd - when actual conversion occurs.

where: XX - the value of the id of a click, which you have passed to the affiliate network using {} or {} tokens from Zeustrack; YY - the actual value of the payout.

How it works: after the registration on the offer page you promote your affiliate network will call the postback link with the lead type value and notify Zeustrack about a lead. When the lead converts (made a deposit) the affiliate network will call another postback link with deposit or ftd type value, depending on what value you have specified in the type parameter.

Zeustrack alert:

You must check the Allow duplicate postbacks checkmark in the affiliate network template settings which you are going to use with the offer to make this type of postback work correctly.

Zeustrack info:

Keep in mind that when you send payouts with the type deposit (ftd) its values will be summarized in the total revenue.

Funnel Option

When you promote offers with a sales funnel, you need to manually specify two additional parameters in the postback link:


where: XX - the value of the id of a click, which you have passed to the affiliate network using {} or {} tokens from Zeustrack; YY - the actual value of the payout. And ZZ value of the state parameter can be the following:

pending | new | (empty state parameter value or absence of the state parameter)

in_progress | in_process | waiting | in_transit | hold | in_work

approve | approved | paid | sold | sent | complete | confirmed | confirm | toconfirm | toconfirmed | delivered

reject | rejected | canceled | declined | decline | cancel

trash | error | wrong | test

The values of the state parameter above are synonymous, you can use the option that is convenient for you, or the one that the affiliate network requires from you.

Zeustrack alert:

You must uncheck the Allow duplicate postbacks checkmark in the affiliate network template settings which you are going to use with the offer to make this type of postback work correctly.

Zeustrack info:

Keep in mind that only the approve and its synonymous values payout value will be counted in the revenue in your stats.

Enabling the Stats for These Kind of Postbacks in the User Interface

Additional columns for different types of postbacks are available on the Campaigns tab. To enable these columns you need to do the following:

  1. Open the campaigns list view settings.

  2. Turn on the appropriate columns:
    ​- Show e-commerce columns - shows the columns for funnel option
    ​- Show deposit columns - shows the columns for lead > deposit columns

  3. Additionally you can turn on or off any kind of column in campaigns list representation.

How to bulk upload postback to stats, you will learn in this article.

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