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Landing Page Setup
Updated over 5 months ago

A Landing page (or a lander, or a pre-lander) is an intermediary web page shown after a visitor clicks on an ad, and which also precedes an offer.

Essentially, a landing page is an extension of the ad that displays sales or marketing information intended to entice a visitor to “click-through” to the respective offer.

Instructions for Creating a Lander in Zeustrack

  1. Go to Menu > Landers list > Press the New lander button.

  2. Define a Name for your lander. The Full name of the lander will be generated automatically (Country code + Name).

  3. Select Countries. Keep in mind that this selection is not for the filtering but for organizing purposes.

  4. Select a Folder for your lander. The General folder is available by default but you can create as many folders as you want under the Landers > Lander Folders section.

  5. Decide between External hosting or the Zeustrack Cloud (recommended).
    The Zeustrack Cloud lander is a lander that runs and maintains itself on the Zeustrack servers. An External hosted lander is a lander that runs and maintains itself, using your own web server.

  6. Press the Continue button to proceed to the next step of the lander setup.

Zeustrack Cloud Lander Setup

You can use cloud hosting integrated into the tracker to store your landers. It is much easier and you can store and manage all your landers and assets in one place, with no additional charge. To store your lander in the Zeustrack Cloud, you’ll need a single HTML file and you must put the all needed assets to a single folder.

There are three ways to upload your lander to the Zeustrack Cloud:

Manual code typing - type the code of your lander manually or copy and paste it in the code editor at the bottom of the page.

Load lander by URL - if you have your lander placed on some server you can just copy and paste the URL for that lander and it will be uploaded to the Zeustrack Cloud automatically. After that, you’ll be able to edit the code in the code editor. This is the easiest way to upload a lander.

Load ZIP - upload your archived lander code and assets. After that, you’ll be able to edit the code in the code editor.

1. Prepare your lander for upload:

  • Create a new folder on your local machine called /assets. Place all the lander files (images, styles, scripts) in this folder.

  • Define the path to the files in HTML code. Your lander structure should look like this:

    index.html ├── assets/style.css ├── assets/image.png ├── assets/script.js


Replace all the links to offer with the following link http://{trackingdomain}/click/?origin={origin}

  • Optional: Add placeholders if needed. You can add variables like {city}, {countyname} etc. English only. You can pass up to 20 variables to lander and/or offer from the tracking URL: {var1}, {var2}, {var3}.

  • Optional: Add var1= to the tracking URL, for example, http:/

  • Optional: Add {var1} to any place in your Lander if you want to pass it from the tracking URL, for example <h1>Header {var1}</h1>.

  • Optional: Add {var1} to the offer URL on offer setup{var1} if you want it to pass to the offer.

2. Upload your files to Zeustrack from your /assets folder. Upload it to the server using the Load assets button at the bottom of the screen below the Code editor.

3. Copy and Paste your HTML source code to the code editor.


You should never upload unnecessary scripts to a local lander folder, especially that ones that change the URLs!

4. Press the Create button.

External Hosting Lander Set-up

To make the offer links active, you must pass two important parameters from your campaign to the lander.

  1. Go to your traffic source settings and check that you have at least two Lander Parameters set, as shown in the screenshot (origin and tracking domain):

  2. Edit your lander code.

  3. Click URLs (links from the lander to offer) it should look like this:

  4. Add the following script somewhere in the lander code:

    <script>function g(n,d){var v=(RegExp(n+'='+'([^&]+?)(&|$)').exec(||[,null])[1];if(v){v=decodeURI(v)}return v||d}var zlinks=(function(){function fetch_link(url,data){url=decodeURI(url);var tail=[];for(var p in data){if(!data.hasOwnProperty(p)||typeof data[p]==='undefined'){continue}if(url.indexOf('{'+p+'}')>-1){url=url.replace('{'+p+'}',data[p])}else{tail.push(p+'='+encodeURIComponent(data[p]))}}if(tail.length){url=url+'&'+tail.join('&')}return encodeURI(url)}return{onload:function(data){window.addEventListener('load',function(){zlinks.update(data)})},update:function(data){var links=document.getElementsByTagName('a');var link;for(var i=0;i<links.length;i++){link=links[i];if(link.href.indexOf('origin')>-1){link.href=fetch_link(link.href,data)}}}}})();zlinks.onload({'trackingdomain':g('trackingdomain'),'origin':g('origin')});</script>​

How Does It Work?

When a user is redirected to your external hosted lander, Zeustrack passes two data parameters - trackingdomain and origin - in the lander URL. The script picks those parameters values from the URL and replaces the appropriate tokens in URLs ({trackingdomain} with the trackingdomain URL parameter, etc.).

  1. Set the URL of your lander. You can use placeholders from the list below the URL field to pass extra data from the tracker to your page.

  2. Press the Create button.

Get to know about lender testing in this article.

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